Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

Role Model

If I need to choose someone to look up to, it will be my Mom. She’s a very generous and kind-hearted person. I don’t say this because she is my Mom, but because she really is a great human being. She always try to help everyone without anything in return.

My Mom is also a hard-worker. She works for one of Freight-Forwarder Company in Jakarta and already doing her job for more than 25 years. She’s always working passionately and nicely. Most of the time, her friends at work treat her not only as co-worker, but as real friend because she is so kind.

Eventhough she is working, My Mom still know her priorities. Family comes first, always and always. She is taking of our family everyday. She prepares our meal and make sure we eat enough nutritions so we don’t get sick.

She is my role model not because she is my Mom. She is my role model because she seems like a very good example of how people should love and treat each other nicely.

Sabtu, 21 April 2018

World Hunger

Do you have any idea about what are the causes of world hunger? Do we know that one of seven people in the world experience hunger and malnutrition? In fact, there are enough foods in the world to feed everyone on Earth. Anyhow, according to the statistics, the current world population is 4.712.200.000, meanwhile the number of undernourished was 797.9 million. Therefore, 17% of the world population currently undernourished or starving.

The first cause of world hunger is poverty. To address world hunger we have to tackle global poverty. Why poverty? Because when people are malnourished, they lose brain function and mental resources into productive assets in the community to earn money. They become less creative, less smart, and it somehow affect their way of life.

The other cause of hunger arise due to lack interest of farming. Rural residents are prefer to move to the city and become an employee instead of being farmers. There are this kind of stigma where life is so much easier when you live in the city, because the city is most likely the center of everything. Their mindset about the city living, somehow makes everyone move to the city and caused the decline in yields of food. The lack of yields in the long run will lead to famine.

Surprisingly, the weather is also quite influential for world hunger. Global warming is happening cause some areas exposed to be drought. The flooding caused some farmland being damaged or totally destroyed. Production may be less predictable. Without high-tech irrigation systems, most farmers in developing countries depend on rainfall. In regions of the world where rain has declined, crops fail. In places where the arrival or departure of seasonal rainfall has shifted, farmers either plant crops too early or too late, missing the highest rainfall. Even for farmers with access to irrigation or state-of-the art weather information, catastrophic storms and droughts will result in production failures.

The next reason is Military conflicts, both internal and between neighbouring countries, can lead to starvation. These conflicts can result in damage to the plant. Also, the conflicts or maybe war, consume too many money of the country and the government putting aside the need of starving people. Military conflicts can also lead to displacement of large groups of people, remove them from their farms and their way of life. People can end up in refugee camps, completely dependent on aid.

There are a lot of world hunger factors and they are changing every year based on the world's condition. The economy, social, politics, and even the level of drought, floods, time to time. In war, food sometimes becomes a weapon. Soldiers will starve opponents into submission by seizing or destroying food and livestock and systematically wrecking local markets. Fields are often mined and water wells contaminated, forcing farmers to abandon their land.

Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

self description

My name is galih aditya dwi cahya but you can call me "Galih". I was born on January 8, 1996 in Jakarta. I have a sister named Dinda she is two years older than me.
my family is a pretty busy family because since my little brother and my father and my mother worked.
I am currently studying at Gunadarma University. I have quite a lot of friends in campus because I am a fairly sociable person and I really appreciate my friends therefore I have never distinguished them in any case including tribe, religion, and race.
some of my closest people know that I love listening to music and watching concerts. although I myself can not play a musical instrument I was quite happy to hear and see first hand some of my favorite bands singing on stage.

Selasa, 02 Januari 2018

Review Cobit

Review COBIT

COBIT merupakan standar yang dinilai paling lengkap dan menyeluruh sebagai FrameWork IT audit karena dikembangkan secara berkelanjutan oleh lembaga swadaya profesional auditor yang tersebar di hampir seluruh negara. Dimana di setiap negara dibangun chapter yang dapat mengelola para profesional tersebut. Cobit Adalah satu metodologi yang memberikan kerangka dasar dalam menciptakan sebuah Teknologi Informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi dengan tetap memperhatikan faktor – faktor lain yang berpengaruh. Cobit Adalah suatu panduan standar praktik manajemen teknologi informasi.Standar COBIT dikeluarkan oleh IT Governance Institute yang merupakan bagian dari ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association).

Kerangka Kerja COBIT             

Kerangka kerja COBIT terdiri atas beberapa arahan/pedoman, yakni:
•    Control Objectives
Terdiri atas 4 tujuan pengendalian tingkat-tinggi (high-level control objectives) yang terbagi dalam 4 domain, yaitu : Planning & Organization , Acquisition & Implementation , Delivery & Support , dan Monitoring & Evaluation.
•    Audit Guidelines
Berisi sebanyak 318 tujuan-tujuan pengendalian yang bersifat rinci (detailed control objectives) untuk membantu para auditor dalam memberikan management assurance dan/atau saran perbaikan.
•    Management Guidelines
Berisi arahan, baik secara umum maupun spesifik, mengenai apa saja yang mesti dilakukan, terutama agar dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut :
-          Sejauh mana TI harus bergerak atau digunakan, dan apakah biaya TI yang dikeluarkan sesuai dengan manfaat yang dihasilkannya.
-          Apa saja indikator untuk suatu kinerja yang bagus.
-          Apa saja faktor atau kondisi yang harus diciptakan agar dapat mencapai sukses ( critical success factors ).
-          Apa saja risiko-risiko yang timbul, apabila kita tidak mencapai sasaran yang ditentukan.
-          Bagaimana dengan perusahaan lainnya, apa yang mereka lakukan.
-          Bagaimana mengukur keberhasilan dan bagaimana pula membandingkannya.

Kelebihan COBIT
·         Efektif dan Efisien
·         Berhubungan dengan informasi yang relevan dan berkenaan dengan proses bisnis, dan sebaik mungkin informasi dikirim tepat waktu, benar, konsisten, dan berguna.
·         Rahasia
·         Proteksi terhadap informasi yang sensitif dari akses yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
·         Integritas
·         Berhubungan dengan ketepatan dan kelengkapan dari sebuah informasi. 
·         Ketersediaan
·         Berhubungan dengan tersedianya informasi ketika dibutuhkan oleh proses bisnis sekarang dan masa depan.
·         Kepatuhan Nyata

Kekurangan COBIT
·         COBIT hanya memberikan panduan kendali dan tidak memberikan panduan implementasi operasional.  Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan COBIT dalam lingkungan operasional, maka perlu diadopsi berbagai framework tata kelola operasional seperti ITIL (The Information Technology Infrastructure Library) yang merupakan sebuah kerangka pengelolaan layanan TI yang terbagi ke dalam proses dan fungsi.
·         Kerumitan penerapan.  Apakah semua control objective dan detailed control objective harus diadopsi, ataukah hanya sebagian saja? Bagaimana memilihnya?
·         COBIT hanya berfokus pada kendali dan pengukuran.
·         COBIT kurang dalam memberikan panduan keamanan namun memberikan wawasan umum atas proses TI pada organisasi daripada ITIL misalnya.
·         COBIT mengatur masalah tujuan yang harus dicapai oleh sebuah organisasi dalam memberikan layanan TI, sedangkan ITIL merupakan best practice cara-cara pengelolaan TI untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa COBIT dan ITIL merupakan dua pendekatan dalam tata kelola TI dan tata kelola layanan teknologi informasi yang saling melengkapi.
·         Secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa COBIT merupakan sebuah model tata kelola TI yang memberikan sebuah arahan yang lengkap mulai dari sistem mutu, perencanaan, manajemen proyek, keamanan, pengembangan dan pengelolaan layanan. Arahan dari COBIT kemudian didetailkan kembali oleh beberapa model framework sesuai dengan perkembangan keilmuan.

Bayu Hari W 
Galih Aditya D.C
Gian Nugraha
Tri Pramudita Erlangga

Kelas 4KA17